List of 30+ Fuzzy Logic based Final Year Projects, Neural Networks based Project Titles using MATLAB Free Downloads:
- Checking the integrity of Global Positioning Recommended Minimum (GPRMC) sentences using Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
In this study, Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is used to check the integrity of the Global Positioning Recommended Minimum (GPRMC) sentences. The GPRMC sentences are the most common sentences transmitted by the Global Positioning System…

Projects Topics on Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic
- Novel Direct Torque Control Based on Space Vector Modulation With Adaptive Stator Flux Observer for Induction Motors
This paper describes a combination of direct torque control (DTC) and space vector modulation (SVM) for an adjustable speed sensor-less induction motor (IM) drive. The motor drive is supplied by a two-level SVPWM inverter. The inverter… - An Adaptive Eye Gaze Tracking System Without Calibration for Use in an Automobile
One of the biggest hurdles to the development of an effective driver state monitor is the that there is no real-time eye-gaze detection. This is primarily due to the fact that such systems require calibration. In this thesis the various aspects… - Real-Time Simulation of Passage-of-Time Encoding in Cerebellum Using a Scalable FPGA-Based System
The cerebellum plays a critical role for sensorimotor control and learning. However, dysmetria or delays in movements’ onsets consequent to damages in cerebellum cannot be cured completely at the moment. Neuroprosthesis is an emerging… - Fuzzy Signal Detection in Multiple-access Ultra Wide Band Communication Systems
Ultra-wide band (UWB) communications transmits a wide bandwidth signal with an extremely low power spectral density. This property of UWB makes it possible to co-exist with the current narrowband communication systems operating at… - Direct Torque Control using Space Vector Modulation and Dynamic Performance of the Drive, via a Fuzzy Logic Controller for Speed Regulation
During the last decade, a lot of modifications in classic Direct Torque Control scheme have been made. The objective of these modifications was to improve the start up of the motor, the operation in overload conditions and low speed region. The… - A Web-based Game-Oriented College Selection System Employing Fuzzy Rule Trees
Our web-based interactive game-playing-oriented college selection system acts as an smart advisor/mentor and helps students, parents, and teachers use an effective graphical user interface to efficiently search college information and to make… - Autonomous Pedestrian Collision Avoidance Using a Fuzzy Steering Controller
Collision avoidance is one of the most difficult and challenging automatic driving operations in the domain of intelligent vehicles. In emergency situations, human drivers are more likely to brake than to steer, although the optimal maneuver… - Neuro-Fuzzy DC Motor Speed Control Using Particle Swarm Optimization
This paper presents an application of Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) control for DC motor speed optimized with swarm collective intelligence. First, the controller is designed according to Fuzzy rules such that the systems are … - Dynamic Compensation of the Reactive Energy using a Fuzzy Controller
Solving the capacitor Allocation problem means in general the determination of the optimal location, allocation sizes and switching times for capacitors to be installed on a distribution feeder. The application of capacitors in electric… - A Web-based Multilingual Intelligent Tutor System
Nowadays, Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs) are so regarded in order to improve education quality via new technologies in this area. One of the problems is that the language of ITSs is different from the learner’s. It forces the learners… - Robot-Assisted Hospital Bed Transport
The controlling of mobile robots has been and still is in the focus of researchers. Fuzzy rule-based controllers are extensively used to control robots. Path planners were created using different search methods finding the shortest… - Fault Diagnosis of Electronic Fuel Control (EFC) Valves via Dynamic Performance Test Method)
Electronic Fuel Control (EFC) valve regulates fuel flow to the injector fuel supply line in the Cummins Pressure Time (PT) fuel system. The EFC system controls the fuel flow by means of a variable orifice that is electrically actuated. The supplier… - Adaptive Synchronization and its Use in Biological Neural Network Modeling
As a nature extension of synchronization, adaptive synchronization has now become a major topic in nonlinear sciences to handle systems with imprecise models or unknown parameters. It is usually accomplished by the use of adaptive observer… - Cryptography using Artificial Neural Networks
A Neural Network is a machine that is designed to model the way in which the brain performs a task or function of interest. It has the ability to perform complex computations with ease. The objective of this project was to investigate the use… - Computing a Network of ASRs using a Mobile Robot Equipped with Sonar Sensors
This paper presents a novel algorithm for computing absolute space representations (ASRs) for mobile robots equipped with sonar sensors and an odometer. The robot is allowed to wander freely (i.e. without following any fixed path) along… - Biologically Inspired Vision and Control for an Autonomous Flying Vehicle
This thesis makes a number of new contributions to control and sensing for unmanned vehicles. I begin by developing a non-linear simulation of a small unmanned helicopter and then proceed to develop new algorithms for control and sensing… - Optimal Energy Management System of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle
Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEV) are new generation Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV) with larger battery capacity compared to Hybrid Electric Vehicles. They can store electrical energy from a domestic power supply and can drive… - SMARTEYE – Vehicle Security System Using Facial Recognition
Facial recognition has gained increasing interest in the recent decade. Over the years there have been several techniques being developed to achieve high success rate of accuracy in the identification and verification of individuals for…
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